April 2005

Issue: April Year: 2005
Editor: Autumn Williams
© 2005 Oregonbigfoot.com
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Eyewitnesses report seeing Bigfoot eat...
by Michael Nave

For Your Collection:

Meet the Sasquatch
Chris Murphy, with the help of John Green and Thomas Steenburg, as well as many others, may have produced the best Sasquatch/Bigfoot book since Green's "Sasquatch: the Apes Among Us" in 1978.

This book is deceptively thin, but holds within over 640 pictures, some of which have never been published before.

Walking With the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas

In this study of three great female primatologists, science journalist Montgomery moves beyond biography into ethnology, taking a step that goes well beyond even her subjects' research. Goodall, Fossey and Galdikas each made a similar leap, the author contends, moving from observers and recorders to an almost shamanistic quest to enter the world of the apes they studied.

Bigfoot Action Figure
They're big, they're hairy, and they're notoriously elusive! This 7-inch tall, hard plastic Bigfoot Action Figure has stamps on the bottom of its feet and comes with a stamp pad so you can leave mysterious footprints on letters, walls and skin.

Cryptozoology Action Figure: Bigfoot
Another one for your collection from Mezco toys. They're going fast!

Money for research?
It's not bigfoot-related, but it's fun. For those of you who are on the computer all the time like I am, this is a great way to make some extra $$$ for being opinionated. <grin> These guys pay $3 for each market research survey you complete. And yes... you can be honest! I guess it's cheaper than hiring locals to come down to the office or paying a telemarketer to call people to ask what they think of this or that ad campaign or product. :)
Check it out

Spiral-bound journal
You asked for it... here it is.
Keep your research notes organized! Take it in the field with you whenever you go...

The Science and Art of Tracking

This book shows how anyone willing to put forth a little effort to go out and practice and get some "dirt time" can learn to follow even the tiniest tracks across the most difficult surfaces. Tom uses a common sense method of tracking that examines a track in terms of "pressure releases." For example: a heavy foot displaces more "dirt" than a lighter foot, a foot traveling fast will displace more "dirt" to the rear of the foot than a foot moving slowly. By measuring the size of these pressure releases one can tell a myriad of things about the creature one is tracking: its size, its direction of travel, its speed of travel and its head position.

Tom Brown's Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking (Tom Brown's Field Guides) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Hard core tracking tips are blended with instructions on cultivation of the inner silence. Brown gives us practical advice on reading animal tracks, constructing shelters etc. The tips on "Nature Observation" in this field guide are unsurpassed by any other tracking book. TB provides us with priceless descriptions of what happens the moment we enter the forest - that is, how the alarm signal spreads from the birds to mammals and how long it takes for it to subside. The forest he is talking about is a living entity, where everything is connected and where one can plug into the circuits of the information flow by learning to listen to the sounds, by studying the terrain and the wind and by knowing how to camouflage and mask one's smell. The book provides useful info on various types of walking/stalking in the woods.

Autumn at Mt. St. Helens during the filming of Mysterious Encounters

>> Editor's Note:

April's come and gone and the April wrapup newsletter is here! What's new at Oregonbigfoot.com, you ask? I've uploaded the final three Snohomish recordings to the members' section and there are new reports in the recent reports section for non-members. Once again, take note of the information on upcoming conferences (I'll be speaking at the Bellingham conference AT THE END OF THE MONTH, so come by and introduce yourself!).

Preparations for the month-long field expedition are going well, considering it's only about a month away. Donations are still desperately needed, no matter how large or small (even $10 would help... If everyone who receives this monthly newsletter would find it in their hearts to donate a measly $10, we'd be able to make the MOST of this. See? I'm not too proud to beg! <grin> If you don't have a PayPal account to donate with, you may email me for a snail mail address...)

I've got the opportunity to set up SIX remote video camera traps (color during the day, B/W infrared at night), but am having a difficult time coming up with the funding for some crucial pieces of equipment to make those happen. I'd LOVE to set up a webcam while we're out there so that you folks back home can monitor one of the bait stations... I'd also be able to give live updates via the web, but to do so, we'll need a DirecWay satellite internet system. If you or someone you know has a DirecWay that is not being used, or you'd like to sponsor the webcam project, please let us know.

Autumn Williams

Autumn Williams
Your comments are always welcome.

The legend lives.


22 new reports have been added to the recent reports section

Don't pick on me... I'm frantically getting ready for the expedition. <grin>

EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO RECORDINGSI've added the final three of the 12 full-length Snohomish recordings.

Subscription to the Oregonbigfoot.com Members Only section is $4.95 per month. Your monthly subscription fee helps support Oregonbigfoot.com!


IF YOU'RE NOT DEAD OR HIDING UNDER A ROCK SOMEWHERE, you've probably caught wind of the puported footage recorded April 16, 2005 by a ferryboat driver in Manitoba. The videographer, Bobby Clark, kept his camera with him after working the night shift and hearing eerie screams. The footage was recorded at approximately 250 yards and, while shaky, apparently shows a huge dark creature standing in the water. No facial details are reported to have been recorded. The family was inundated by calls from researchers and news media and apparently held out for the highest bidder. The footage has been reported to have been licensed by "A Current Affair" for six figures.

Over the years, I've seen footage and photographs come and go. It usually begins with a flurry of speculation and excitement within the bigfoot community and ends in disappointment. I have mixed feelings about it, as usual. Like the Memorial Day/Paul Freeman/Redwoods footage or the Myakka Skunk Ape photos, it DOES serve to get the topic some publicity and likely results in some water-cooler chat at the office from those who might otherwise never think about the Bigfoot phenomenon. On the other hand, blurry footage and photographs serve to afford skeptics and critics further ammunition - and so the debate over Sasquaches' existence rages on.

A Current Affair" on FOX is said to be airing the footage soon. Check your local listings or click here.

The Edmonton Sun

Bigfoot' tape thrills northern community

Newswatch50.com: 6:30 AM News Update - Bigfoot Sighting In Canada

Arial View of Sighting Area

CBC's Marilyn Maki talks to Michelle Barrow, a Manitoban Sasquatch researcher

Canadian Discovery Channel

CBC news story


Eugene Register Guard, April 25, 2005:
A Big, Hairy, Wild Idea: Bigfoot is one of those mysteries humans crave —
and it sure brought school alive for a while

I've been following the story of the ivory-billed woodpecker, thought to be extinct, which has been rediscovered in eastern Arkansas thanks, in part, to a blurry video. Reading through the Cornell Univeristy site about the search for the ivory-bill, one cannot help but notice the parallels between the search for this and the search for Bigfoot.



Dates: May 27-29, 2005
Time: Check-in starts Friday, May 27 at 6:00 p.m.
Location: Hampton Inn Hotel, Bellingham
Admission: Pre-registration $40 before May 14, 2005, $50 after
$25 per day at the door, Saturday and Sunday
Friday Reception FREE with paid admission


  • Loren Coleman
  • Dr. Jeff Meldrum
  • Lloyd Pye
  • Autumn Williams
  • Owen Caddy
  • Jimmy Chilcutt
  • Rick Noll
  • Thom Powell
  • Dr. Robert Alley
  • Christopher Murpy
  • Thomas Steenburg
  • Al Berry & Ron Morehead
  • John Andrews
  • Todd Neiss
  • John Kirk

For more information and pre-registration, visit: http://www.sasquatchresearch.com/src.html
or contact Jason Valenti at jason@sasquatchresearch.com




Date: May 7th, 2005
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Salt Fork State Park near Cambridge, Ohio

Larry Lund
Ron Schaffner
Eric Altman
Dr. Paul Johnson
Joedy Cook

For more information, visit:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/ohiobigfoot/abc.htm



Data Analysis: What do Bigfoot creatures eat?

Like most animals, including the human animal, Bigfoot is likely an opportunistic feeder and will eat what is readily available. Reports that include eating habits also indicate that they are omnivourous. I recently culled available reports for eyewitness reports of creatures eating (these are only reports of creatures seen eating - they do not include secondary reports of creatures STEALING food items). Here's what I found:

1869 - IOWA: Saw ugly, sandy-haired 'wild boy' eating fish in river
1947 - CA: While fishing, saw 2 smelly Bigfeet walking along river bank eating fish and reeds
1978 - LA: Saw 'big ape' eating minnows from stream.
1994 - AK: Saw huge human-like hairy animal sitting in the snow eating fish

1885 - OR: Hunters saw hairy 'man' eating deer flesh.

1915 - BC: Prospectors watched Bigfoot eating berries
1933 - BC: Saw Bigfoot through field glasses, eating berries
1974 - BC: Creature seen eating Saskatoon berries

1955 - BC: Watched female Bigfoot eating leaves at a distance of 20 ft
1968 - OR: Watched female Bigfoot eating willow leaves.
1969 - WA: Bigfoot seen digging ferns out of knee-deep snow and eating the roots
1974 - BC: Two figures seen going from one small jack pine to another, picking and eating the needle tips of the branches
1996 - WA: The creature was observed through binoculars at a distance of 90 feet, eating yellow wood violets

1967 - OR: Watched 2 adult and a young Bigfoot eating rodents.
1998 - MI: Creature seen eating squirrel or a rabbit

1968 - NM: Bigfoot with long black wavy fur eating an animal killed on the road
1980 - IA: Railroad engineer on train saw strange creature on all fours eating carcass
1990's - NV: Creature seen scraping up and eating something with black feathers off of the highway.

1973 - NM: Creature seen eating apples in orchard
1974 -IA: Saw Bigfoot only 3'/2 ft tall eating tomatoes in her garden; footprints found
1975 - MS: Creature squatting down eating the vegetables from the plants in garden.
1977 - SD: Saw two Bigfeet in cornfield eating corn
1978 - NC: saw 'Knobby' eating soybean crop in field

1974 - GA: 8-ft Bigfoot seen eating out of rubbish bins in the early morning
1977 - OK: Creature seen eating garbage

Chiye-tanka The Great Elder Brother
by Michael Nave

Among the many Native American names for Bigfoot is the Lakota Sioux's moniker Chiye-tanka or Chiha-tanka as they are known by the Dakota Sioux: "chiye" which translates into "elder brother" and "tanka" meaning "great" or "big". In his 1980 book entitled "The Spirit of Crazy Horse" (Viking 1980), author Peter Mathiessen recorded several comments about Bigfoot made by Sioux tribal members.

Joe Flying By, a Hunkpapa Lakota, told Mathiessen:

"I think the Big Man is a kind of husband of Unk-ksa, the earth, who is wise in the way of anything with its own natural wisdom. Sometimes we say that this One is a kind of reptile from the ancient times who can take a big hairy form; I also think he can change into a coyote. Some of the people who saw him did not respect what they were seeing, and they are already gone."

Oglala Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches told Mathiessen:

"He is both spirit and real being, but he can also glide through the forest, like a moose with big antlers, as though the trees weren't there... I know him as my brother... I want him to touch me, just a touch, a blessing, something I could bring home to my sons and grandchildren, that I was there, that I approached him, and he touched me."

Ray Owen, son of a Dakota spiritual leader from Prairie Island Reservation in Minnesota, told a reporter from the Red Wing Republican Eagle:

"They exist in another dimension from us, but can appear in this dimension whenever they have a reason to. See, it's like there are many levels, many dimensions. When our time in this one is finished, we move on to the next, but the Big Man can go between. The Big Man comes from God. He's our big brother, kind of looks out for us. Two years ago, we were going downhill, really self-destructive. We needed a sign to put us back on track, and that's why the Big Man appeared".

As is evident from these accounts, the Lakota and Dakota Sioux see Chiye-tanka as a spiritual being, appearing in times of trouble, possibly to warn the people of the potential damage that could come from their misguided ways.

Within the majority of Native American tribes, the existence of Bigfoot is taken for granted, as are his powerful psychic abilities. Many of the stories contained within Native American folklore claim that Bigfoot knows when humans are searching for him and that he chooses when and to whom to make an appearance, and that his psychic powers account for his ability to elude man's efforts to capture him or hunt him down. In Native American culture, the entire natural world -- the animals, the plants, the rivers, the stars -- is seen as a family. And Bigfoot is seen as one of our close relatives, the "great elder brother."

Sasquatch and Native Americans
The Bigfoot



"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra scary to me, because there's a large, out of focus monster roaming the countryside. Run. He's fuzzy. Get out of here."- The Late Comedian Mitch Hedberg

In all seriousness, why ARE Bigfoot photographs and videos so often blurry and out of focus? And why are there so few pieces of footage when every Tom, Dick and Harry owns a Sony Handycam?

Let's assume for a moment that you're driving down a forested road, that you happen to be at the right spot at the right moment, and that you have your video camera sitting on the seat next to you. It's dark out and your headlights illuminate the road ahead of you. Suddenly, a large figure crosses the road.

Count with me... one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three...

From the onset, your mind begins to attempt to place that figure within a known category. "Whoa, what's that? A guy? A bear? On it's hind legs? No way... a guy in a fur suit? A gorilla? What the...?!" By the time your mind opens far enough to allow for what you MIGHT be seeing, you're 300 yards down the road, hitting your brakes and peering into the red glow in your rearview mirror. Your trusty Sony Handycam sits, useless, on the seat beside you.

How prepared were they?

In the case of the Patterson/Gimlin film, Roger Patterson was LOOKING for bigfoot. While his 16mm camera was in his pack, he had presumably prepared himself mentally for that very moment and, not being a professional filmographer, did a remarkable job getting the camera out and getting what footage he did.

As for the Freeman footage, Freeman was trying to obtain video evidence of creatures he believed lived in the Blue Mountains and had his video camera running: he was photographing tracks in the dirt when he spotted the creature.

Now let's look at the Memorial Day, Marble Mountain and Redwoods footages: in all three cases, the videographers were simply "in the right place at the right time" and were using a video camera for other purposes. Presumably, if these footages were authentic and not hoaxed (some have their doubts, particularly about the Redwoods film), Sasquatch was the last thing on the minds of the camera operators.

Having a video camera IN HAND, whether you're looking for Saquatch or not, appears to be the key to getting the footage.

Soft Evidence

Blurry photographs and video don't consitute hard proof of bigfoot's existence. Period. They are, at best, soft evidence. But will ANY photographic evidence do?

There are a couple of things to consider here... first of all, with the advent of digital image manipulation, CGI, etc., industrious induviduals have the capacity to hoax some very compelling images. Secondly, images don't tell us the species/genus of the creature we're dealing with, or where they may fall on the human/pongid family tree. Only DNA can do that.

But attempting to acquire good, clear video or photographic evidence may not be entirely in vain. What good, clear images CAN do is interest the science and academia to the point that a fully-funded research project can get under way.

Autumn Williams
April, 2005