June/July 2006

Issue: June/July
Year: 2006
Editor: Autumn Williams
© 2006
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by Autumn Williams
>> IN MY MAILBOX - Messages from readers

an article by reader Richard Van Dyke

For Your Collection:

Meet the Sasquatch
Chris Murphy, with the help of John Green and Thomas Steenburg, as well as many others, may have produced the best Sasquatch/Bigfoot book since Green's "Sasquatch: the Apes Among Us" in 1978.

This book is deceptively thin, but holds within over 640 pictures, some of which have never been published before.

Walking With the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas

In this study of three great female primatologists, science journalist Montgomery moves beyond biography into ethnology, taking a step that goes well beyond even her subjects' research. Goodall, Fossey and Galdikas each made a similar leap, the author contends, moving from observers and recorders to an almost shamanistic quest to enter the world of the apes they studied.

Measuring a 16" impression at
Linton Lake

>> Editor's Note:

Each year, I take a break in midsummer from the newsletter and website updates to allow for the busy season (hence, the June/July double issue). Unfortunately, just as I was getting ready to publish this issue, my hard drive crashed and my computer was down for a week for recovery. I'm back up and running, finally, and it doesn't look like any data was lost, since most of it was backed up externally. I'll attempt to cover everything that's come into my inbox over the last few weeks and get everyone up to speed. Grab your favorite beverage and get comfortable... there's a LOT to read in this issue!

Please be sure to take a look at my article in this newsletter:"Sasquatch Breeding Grounds?" This is an idea I've been mulling around for years now and would love to hear your feedback on it.

Autumn Williams

Each year, I take a break in midsummer from the newsletter and website updates to allow for the busy season (hence, the June/July double issue). Unfortunately, just as I was getting ready to publish this issue, my hard drive crashed and my computer was down for a week for recovery. I'm back up and running, finally, and it doesn't look like any data was lost, since most of it was backed up externally. I'll attempt to cover everything that's come into my inbox over the last few weeks and get everyone up to speed. Grab your favorite beverage and get comfortable... there's a LOT to read in this issue!

The documentary's complete and heading off to the printers shortly. I'll send out a special notice as soon as it's available for ordering, so keep an eye on your email. A sneak preview is available in the members section. It will be released in a two-part series. If you'd like to be notified when the first DVD is available, please send me an email.

Autumn Williams
Your comments are always welcome.

The legend lives.

On a personal note, Saturday, August 12th marked the beginning of my 20th week of pregnancy... 5 months. On the 14th, we had the ultrasound - and discovered that there's a baby GIRL growing in there! (Well, either that, or an embarrassingly underendowed little boy...) I'm so excited, I could pop. (I know, I've gotta wait a few more months...) As we're doing the ultrasound, Skye says, "She's got your nose." I remembered that old joke: "Well, then, how do I smell?" "TERRIBLE!" Har! I have visions of our little girl picking up where I leave off in this quest for the truth about our Barefoot Friends... of course, she may think her Mom is completely nuts, too... <grin>


30 new reports have been added to the database.


Jesse Ravenwolf

Greg Oakes



We are accepting submissions for new artists in the Bigfoot art gallery. To submit your work for consideration, please email 3-5 pieces of Bigfoot-related artwork (maximum size 640X480 pixels), a photo of yourself and a brief biography. Email me.

We welcome single pieces of artwork as well for our new Miscellaneous Artists page. Your artwork, if chosen, will usually be uploaded around the beginning of the following month.

(Please have a look at the gallery before submitting for examples of biography)

WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS: Would you like to have your work read by over 6500 Bigfoot enthusiasts in our monthly newsletter? Submit an inquiry to info@oregonbigfoot.com



AUTUMN'S ALL NEW VIDEO RESEARCH JOURNAL - see what we've been up to in the field

VIDEO INTERVIEW with News Channel 21's Eric Rucker in Bend, OR

Also recently added:

A NEW AUDIO RECORDING of a purported Sasquatch vocalization from Prince George, B.C.

Behind the Scenes Photos of Mysterious Encounters

PLUS: Ongoing Encounters in Missouri
A woman in Missouri is experiencing ongoing Bigfoot activity near her home and she shares she personal daily journal and photos with members!

By popular demand - we now have a Members' Forum! A place for members to discuss files posted in the members section.

The long awaiting Littlefoot movie - in its entirety! Also, footage of what may be a Texas bigfoot from investigator Lugo Raimondo.

22 Bigfoot video files (creature footage, footprints, evidence and more)
17 Bigfoot audio recordings (17 rare/exclusive audio recordings of purported Sasquatch calls - plus interviews and more)
24 Bigfoot photos (plus tracks, evidence photos and more!)
Plus dozens of articles, research tools and other great stuff!

Subscription to the Oregonbigfoot.com Members Only section is $4.95 per month. Your monthly subscription fee helps support Oregonbigfoot.com!

$$$ DID YOU KNOW? Some survey programs are scams. This one's the real deal...$$$
(If you're not doing this, YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON FREE MONEY!)


Malaysia May Make Biggest Scientific Discovery, Say Experts

Grover Krantz's Last Wish Was to Remain With His Friends. And He Has.

Bigfoot lawsuit kicks up a notch

Rural Oklahoma May Be A 'Bigfoot' Stomping Ground

Are these the eyes of a Johor Hominid?

Johor Hominid hoax revealed

Yowie Video - Is This Australia's Bigfoot?

Man Makes Casts Of Purported Bigfoot Footprints
(Thanks, Kenny!)


by Autumn Williams


Unfortunately, absolutely nothing is "known" about Sasquatch mating or breeding habits, since there's been no official discovery... and although eyewitnesses will tell you they exist, the majority of the scientific community might argue otherwise. With that aside, I can offer some ideas I've been pondering about this for quite some time. This is the first time I've published anything in depth about this theory of mine... and let me remind you, it's only a theory. An idea. In no way do I attest that anything in this article is fact, only speculation. But if you'll humor me and read on, you may find this topic of speculation as fascinating as I do...

It's safe to say that Sasquatch would be a mammal - that is, a warm-blooded creature that is viviparous (gives birth to live offspring). Gestation, the period of time in which an embryo grows to a mature fetus within the womb, differs between mammal species. (I've learned a lot about this lately, being currently pregnant myself. <grin>) As a general rule, the larger the mammal, the longer the gestation period. Human gestation takes approximately 266 days (an average of 9-10 months, depending whether you're counting from the date of conception or the LMP... last menstrual period.). African gorillas take somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 to 296 days, with an average of 8.5 months. Horses gestate for about 48 weeks, or 12 months. So gestation varies a lot, from species to species and also within the individual pregnancy, depending on any number of factors.

With those species as size comparisons though, let's take a stab at a Sasquatch gestation period. They're built similarly to a human, being bipedal, and although their upper torso may be similar in size to an adult gorilla's, there is extra leg mass to consider. On the low end, I'd guess 9 months. But due to the extra size of the creature, I'd venture to say that the gestation period may last up to 12 months.

Being pregnant myself, I have a new appreciation for how difficult life can be while you're carrying a child. And that's with all the "modern conveniences" we humans are used to... Sasquatch moms-to-be don't have the luxury of super markets, refrigerators, comfortable beds in warm homes... you get the idea.

While the question of whether Sasquatch is closer to human or animal is something still open to debate, (as are all things "sasquatch"), I'd like to take this moment to make what may be a somewhat controversial suggestion:

I propose that Sasquatches may very well meet en masse in order to breed
and give birth to young.

Now at first glance, this proposition may appear fanciful, too good to be true, even outrageous, but let me share my reasoning behind this idea... and where it came from.

There are a few stories of eyewitnesses claiming to observe family units and/or large gatherings of these creatures. Take, for instance, the story of Albert Ostman, who claims a detailed encounter with a family group. Briefly, Ostman claims to have been abducted near the Toba Inlet in British Columbia in 1924. After a harrowing night of being carried in his sleeping bag on the back of "something", he was finally set down and crawled out. He described interacting with a "family" of four creatures in a box canyon: "I could see now that I was in a small valley or basin about eight or ten acres, surrounded by high mountains, on the southeast side there was a V-shaped opening about eight feet wide at the bottom and about twenty feet high at the highest point — that must be the way I came in." He also describes their shelter: "On my way back I noticed where these people were sleeping. On the east side wall of this valley was a shelf in the mountain side, with overhanging rock, looking something like a big undercut in a big tree about 10 feet deep and 30 feet wide."

When reading Ostman's account 16 years or so ago in John Green's book, Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, I was certainly fascinated, but didn't give much thought at the time to family units and how they come to be. It wasn't until MANY years later that I revisited Ostman's story when an idea began brewing in my head.

The next account I'd like to refer to is the story of Muchalat Harry, from 1928. Once again, it is the story of a man who is abducted while sleeping. This witness describes a similar shelter to the one Albert Ostman described... however, the number of creatures he describes is astounding: "When daylight came he was able to see that he was in a sort of camp, under a high rock shelf and surrounded by some twenty Bigfoot. They were of all sexes and sizes." (Read the full account in Peter Byrne: The Search for Bigfoot)

The final story, and the one that ultimately caused me to examine Sasquatch breeding habits and the possibility that breeding and birthing may be a "community" phenomenon, was published in Seattle Magazine in August of 1970.. It isn't widely disseminated; I found it quite by accident on the internet years ago. It's unclear whether the "Vancouver" referred to in this article is Vancouver, B.C. or Vancouver, WA. Since the paragraph precluding this one discussed the Ostman story, I'm inclined to think it refers, once again, to the Vancouver, B.C. area.

A similar story comes from Warren Scott, a 37-year-old Seattle man who works as a building superintendent. It was June of 1961, and Scott, who grew up in a tough neighborhood in New York City and spent several years bumming around after his release from the Army, was camping alone, 30 miles northeast of Vancouver. Late at night, a Sasquatch kidnapped him and carried him 70 miles. During the journey, Scott was almost suffocated by the creature's vice-like grip and uremic odor. Eventually, he was carried through a long tunnel and dumped in a cave.

Most of Scott's ordeal was spent in this hot, fire-lit enclosure. The mother took care of him, bringing him food (greens and inedible chunks of raw meat); the old man was seldom around. "I was treated like a pet," Scott recalls.

He endured some good-natured whacking on the rump; he was watched intently when passing wastes, and he engaged in some rock-rolling with the kids. The noise and the smell were terrific. At night, father, mother and son Sasquatch would hold each other tightly, rock for 10 minutes, and then drop off to sleep on bough beds.

One day, Scott wandered out of the momentarily unguarded cave and was terrified to see 50 or 60 Sasquatch wandering about in the canyon. "The female who fed me came up to me, grabbed me and held me to her bosom until I was calm. Then she put me down." Soon thereafter, Scott's protector took him, together with her own son, on a tour of the other caves, one of which proved to be a very busy nursery.

A few days later, Scott located the densely curtained tunnel opening and made his escape.

What interested me about these three reports were the startling similarities between them. All three occurred In British Columbia, contained an abduction of a human to a remote area (a hidden or box canyon) where multiple creatures were seen using caves or overhangs as shelters - and two of the reports contained elements of "tribal" bigfoot gatherings.

Who knows whether ANY of these reports turn out to be true and accurate... but, for the sake of argument, let's assume there is truth to them. The final report, despite the strangeness of the "fire-lit enclosure", really got me thinking. Scott claimed to have viewed a "nursery". Was this an isolated case? Perhaps. But Muchalat Harry described seeing multiple juvenile creatures as well.

What would cause so many creatures to be collected in such a small area? Wouldn't that number of bodies put an incredible strain on available food resources? Probably. But consider this...

Perhaps gathering for breeding and birthing would be beneficial.

Let's examine the following scenario. First, let's pick up the trail of a female sasquatch at some point in her young adult life. She's lived in a small family group with her parents since infancy, staying somewhat in the same area (though that area is wide by our standards). Each family has its own stomping grounds, and although family groups may run into each other from time to time, they haven't yet to run into a single male juvenile who is available for her. Mom and Pop Bigfoot know that she's matured and ready to mate. This October, they take her on a journey, far from their usual "home", to a box canyon high in the remote mountains. It's an area where creatures from miles around have gathered for centuries, during the winter months, to breed and give birth. She's never been here before, and Mom and Pop haven't been here since she was born. There simply wasn't a reason to make the trek again... until now.

After days, perhaps weeks of traveling, they reach the box canyon. There are dozens of creatures and many family groups milling around. Several females are huge with pregnancy. As newcomers and the winter weather arrive, the canyon fills to capacity.

The box canyon, though high in the mountains, provides caves which will maintain a moderate temperature throughout the winter. Pregnant females find shelter in the caves. Their mates, the parents of breeding-age offspring, and even the mature juvenile offspring themselves forage for food for the entire group, providing sustenance for the pregnant females, who cannot hunt and forage. As the infants are born, there is a communal effort to provide food for breastfeeding mothers. In addition, the group provides warm bodies and protection for the vulnerable young offspring.

This is an opportune time for sexually mature offspring to find a mate and breed. By finding a mate at a gathering, the offspring can better their chances of mixing up the gene pool - thereby avoiding birth defects from inbreeding. By copulating during the gathering, pregnancy would be timed "properly" so that the birth would occur during the following yea'rs gathering... thus allowing the pregnant female the advantages of Community.

The babies are born one by one, mostly throughout December, January, and February. The infants mature more rapidly than humans and are ready for travel by April (though not necessarily under their own power yet...). In the early spring, the gathering begins to break up, each family group begins the journey back to their old stomping grounds (perhaps now with a new member or two... either an infant, or a mate for their mature offspring). Next year, the pregnant females and their mates (and parents) will likely make the journey earlier, to avoid traveling when she is far along in her pregnancy. Once the infant is born, they may not make the journey again for many years...

Okay, wait a minute, Autumn. Where are you getting all of these crazy ideas? <grin>

Native Americans lived in relatively isolated communities and would arrange marriages in order to avoid incest and inbreeding. Why would Sasquatch be any different? Wtih something as important as survival of the species at stake, do you suppose Bigfoot families just "wait around" in hopes that a family with an equally eligible youngster of the opposite sex might happen by? Or would they have developed, long ago, a means by which to facilitate breeding? Are you finding it hard to swallow this idea? Perhaps because you're assuming that they're more gorilla-like and less like, say, a Neanderthal? :)

So why did I choose the winter months? Why not the summer, when food is plentiful at ALL elevations? Well, for a couple of reasons: First, the time during which it is MOST DIFFICULT for a pregnant female to find food might be the best time to rely on the community to help. Secondly, and most importantly, I've got numerous reports from eyewitnesses, both long-term and incidental, that tell of female Sasquatches being seen with young infants predominantly in the spring. In addition, the number of reports of creatures seemingly "passing through" rural areas tends to increase in the spring and fall (those reports which indicate that a creature was moving quickly through an area, was not sighted again, etc.)

So there you have it. Again, please remember that these are IDEAS, not beliefs. It could also be that the creatures simply stumble around in the woods, bump into one another, breed, and give birth on the fly. I think it's unlikely, simply because the closest model we have to a "Sasquatch lifestyle" is Early Native Americans and they didn't do things that way, for good reason.

(Also, researchers often ponder whether these creatures are "territorial" or "nomadic". Weren't Early Native Americans both, in a way? They'd choose a spot to inhabit but then would journey occasionally to other areas for a specific purpose...)

One final thought... can you IMAGINE coming across one of those box canyons and seeing a gathering with your own eyes? Wow. Of course, the creatures there might be overprotective and not-quite-friendly...

I have my ideas about where some of these areas might exist. Where do you think they might be? Why do you think, if the above stories are accurate, these creatures would kidnap humans and bring them into the Gathering Place?

Please feel free to email me your thoughts and feedback.

Autumn Williams
August 17, 2006

Encounters and feedback from readers

[Editor's note: As with ANY eyewitness testimony, I cannot vouch for the veracity of any of the claims made in emails I receive. I only share with you those which I find interesting or intriguing. As my good friend Ray Crowe says, always read with your skepticals on. Eyewitnesses are identified by first name only.]

Hi. My name is Mike XXXXX and I have had several bigfoot encounters since 1976. The first time I ever saw a bigfoot, I was 16 years old and I had hitch hiked from Jacksonville, Florida to Canby, Oregon to see a girl. I was 20 miles north of Grants Pass when I smelled an odor that reminded me of skunk, rotten eggs and dirty diapers. I looked around for some kind of road kill but did not see any. I caught movement out of the right peripheral of my eye and I turned to look and saw something come out of the forest (approximately 400 yards to my right) and walk north to south parallel with the tree line. The whole time it was staring straight at me. My mind raced as I tried to rationalize that it MUST be a bear but, bears don't walk on two legs and the stride was consistent with bigfoot sightings I had heard about. It swung its arms which hung right above the knees and it was somewhat leaning forward and taking H U G E steps as it walked. It took maybe five or six maybe even seven steps and covered a great distance and when it was parallel to me it turned its head and disappeared into the forest. I stood there for a moment trying to digest what I had just witnessed and I had a sudden urge to haul ass out of there. I took off running as fast as I could heading north on Interstate 5 and all of a sudden there was a green Volkswagen van pulling up beside me. I reached and opened the door and jumped in; while the van was still moving, and told the guy driving to "FLOOR IT"!!!!

He looked stunned and I repeated it again but this time I looked directly in his eyes and I believe he knew that he had best do as I requested because I could not have been more serious. He punched it and we were flying down the road as fast as that little green VW van would go and when we were about two or three miles from where I jumped in did the driver finally slow down a little and asked me what the hell was I running from. He said he came over the top of a hill and saw some guy running full speed up the road and thought that was strange because he did not see an abandoned vehicle on the side of the road and was curious as to why someone would be hauling ass out in the middle of nowhere.

When I told the guy I saw a bigfoot, he gave me that look. Like, yeah right. I told him why else would I be out here running for my life? He had a hard time believing me but did admit it could be possible. That was in July of 1976.

I joined the United States Marine Corps on August 31st, 1976 and after graduating boot camp from San Diego, California on January 7th, 1977, I was sent to Camp Pendleton for school. After graduating clerk typing school in June of 1977, I was stationed at Marine Corps Base, 29 Palms, California in the Mojave Desert with HQ Co., H&S Bttln as an Admin Clerk.

In July of 1977, I was on guard duty out on the Nuclear Ordinance Dump (NOD) 25 miles deep into the base when I had my second experience with a bigfoot. I was patrolling my perimeter when something threw an old slay maker lock at me. Mind you, it is around 2am.

The lock landed at me feet and if it would have hit me, it would have really fu*ked me up. I yelled at the other Marine walking guard on the NOD and he said he did not throw anything at me. He did not even know me. We had never met before that night. I blew it off and tried to figure out if maybe there were some recon guys screwing around with us but, then I thought that since we were armed and had orders to shoot to kill, not even recon rangers would come messing around out there. It was just too serious.

I saw something running in the silhouetted lights against the base lights. It was huge and it was slumped over and I shouted my orders; "Halt, who goes there. Advance and be recognized". Nothing. So I fired three rounds into the silhouetted figure and dropped to the deck as to make myself a smaller target in case this "intruder" had a weapon. I was so excited that I must have passed out. I woke up in the base hospital surrounded by MP's and doctors. The doctor gave me a shot of liquid valium to calm me down and told the MP's they would have to wait until the next morning to interview me about the shooting.

I snuck out of the hospital around 7am before the MP's made it to me. I left the base and went to Los Angeles for about a week. I got knee walking drunk and laid in a cheap motel for a week wondering what the hell just happened. When I finally made it back to base, I got wrote up for going UA (Unauthorized Absence) and was told to report to my Company Commander. I reported as ordered and was told that CID (Criminal Investigative Department) found blood and hair samples that they cannot identify. I was restricted to base for one month and put on KP duty (Kitchen Patrol). I said I did not care as long as I didn't have to go back out there to NOD to pull guard duty.

Skip ahead to 2005, I was bow hunting behind my tattoo shop in Churchton, Maryland in a friend of mine's ground blind when I heard what sounded like samurai gibberish coming from about 50 to 60 yards behind my position. It was moving in a north to south position and getting louder and closer as the minutes went by. I did not think much of it until I smelled a stench that filled the ground blind up and made me gag. I had smelled that smell before. I exited the ground blind and drew my bow with an arrow knocked and hollered some obscenities and challenged whatever was making that noise to show itself. All of a sudden, I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of fear and felt as if I had best leave the area and to do it right now.

As I was leaving I felt as if it was following me out of the woods. I could hear footsteps twenty or thirty yards into the woods but, the foliage was still pretty thick and I could not see what was following me. I told a friend of mine who pulled up as I was almost to my truck that I was just chased out of the woods by a bigfoot and of course, he laughed and said it was probably some crazy man living in the woods. Yeah right. I told my buddy that I was not going back there and maybe that thing might mess up his ground blind. Well that's all it took for my friend to say, "Lets go get my ground blind". I told him good luck. I wasn't about to go back in those woods. He grabbed his pistol out of his glove box and went into the woods and got his ground blind. He looked nervous and a little scared when he returned. He didn't say anything but I think he might have heard or seen something. He just ain't telling.

The third time I had a bigfoot encounter related to the story that is posted here about the first creek journal entry. A friend of ours that owns a landscaping business across the street from the barber shop/tattoo shop heard about my bigfoot experience and gave me the business. I invited him to go bow hunting on a friend of mine's farm and he accepted.

We drove to the farm around 5am and got set up to head to some tree stands that were located on some good trees between the feeding area and the bedding area of some mighty big whitetail deer. We did not get more than fifty feet from the truck heading into the woods when we were stopped in our tracks by the most God awful screams coming from about twenty yards in front of us. It was pitch black dark and we only had a pen flashlight and we could not see what was doing all the screaming but it scared the sh*t out of us.

I told my buddy to slowly back up and we would head for the truck and he tripped and fell on his butt. I ran up to him and stood over him with my crossbow cocked, locked and ready to rock. He just sat there in awe staring out into the darkness and I finally told him to get on his feet and move your ass. We went to the truck and jumped on the hood of my Suburban and waited for about fifteen minutes until we both calmed down enough. What in the hell was that, we both asked each other????

We have both been hunters for a long time and have heard many sounds from the woods and can attribute them to certain animals. We have never heard anything like this. It was not a fox or a bob cat or anything like that. It sounded like a woman being murdered and screaming bloody murder. I have heard coyotes and coy dogs and foxes and wolves barred owls and bears. This was none of them.

When we felt like it was beginning to get light enough to see ten feet in front of us, we hopped down off the hood of my truck, laughing that two grown men would be scared like a couple of school girls at some unknown sounds. We cautiously started to head back down the path into the woods towards the tree stands when we got to the same spot that we were in when the screaming started when all of a sudden there was a deep low G R O W L coming from the woods to our left about fifteen to twenty feet. I immediately turned around and started running for the truck. My friend Bruce was hot on my heels behind me. I believe I jumped straight up onto the hood of my truck without even stepping onto the running board. I had to help Bruce up onto the hood as he was freaking out. He asked me, "Is bigfoot following you?"

We stayed up on the hood of my truck until the sun had come up and we decided to carry a pistol with us and walk fast to the tree stands. We did not see any deer and we only hunted for about and hour because we were both so freaked out about everything that happened that we decided to call it a day.

My friend doesn't rib me anymore about my bigfoot sightings and he has asked
me to keep it on the down low. I read this article about the first creek journal entry and related and felt I had to write to you about it. Thanks. Mike XXXXXX

My possible Bigfoot experiences happened in Washington State about 30 miles from Spokane Washington around a lake called "Lake Sacheen". I was about 12 years old and had been hunting with my father since I was 5. I would go one way in the woods and my father would go another. I was well trained by my father who was an avid hunter all of his life so I had a great sense of direction. I had grown accustom to how to track animals and knew the woods well. We hunted in early fall and close to winter so the terrain could be snow covered or filled with fallen leaves. We would also prepare our clothes the night before in plastic garbage bags filled with baking soda to remove any human scent. We also would shower without using any soap or colognes.

We would get up at 4AM and go our separate ways to get a good spot and watch for deer as the sun came up. I was very, very sleepy that day. I was deep in the woods and had found a good spot where I sat down with my back against a tree. My father had gone off in opposite direction and was now easily a mile or two away from me. I had fallen asleep and was woken up by pine cones being thrown at me. At first I thought maybe a squirrel was above knocking them down but then another came not from above in the trees but from a thicker part of the woods across from me. The woods were very still and quiet. I then thought maybe my father was playing a trick on me but he had never done anything like that in the woods and with firearms tricks are not played while hunting. Plus we always wore orange hats for safety and I would easily have spotted that in the woods. We were in a very isolated area where no homes were and most hunters were not aware of our hunting area. In all the years I had been hunting I can only remember 2 times we ever would see anyone else. I shouted "Dad?" but there was no response then out of nowhere something big and heavy crashed through the woods and I did not see anything. I could hear it off in the distance moving further away while brush and branches snapped. All I know is something large and not a man threw pinecones at me and made its way through thick brush and trees quickly and easily. The sound as it thumped on the ground from it's feet were similar to the heaviness you hear from a horse but only two feet and heavier. I went back to find my father due to I was spooked. I did find him but he was about 4 miles away from me in a tree stand overlooking a clear-cut.

My other experience was in another remote area of the same lake and we had decided to camp this time instead of driving out from Spokane in the early morning. We pitched a tent ate dinner and talked for awhile. We went to bed and about 3AM we woke up to hear this scream come from a ravine below. The scream sounded like a woman and almost like a cougar but was neither of those. My father jumped up and he even looked scared. I have heard cougars, bears and just about every other animal in the woods and this was none of those. I will never forget that sound and the look on my fathers face. My father feared nothing not even bears that had charged him when shot. Sorry I am a blabber mouth! It was not until later years that I put my two experiences together. My dad said with a nervous look "That was probably a cougar." I could tell even at 12 years old he was scared and did not know what it was. He had even gone to get his rifle and brought it in the tent.

My name is Tim XXXXX. I had a class B encounter in the 70's in Wasco County Oregon that is recorded on the BFRO site. I wanted to give you a heads up, as I did with Henner Fahrenbach. I work for PGE in Oregon City and a co-worker was telling me about a couple of friends of his that have a bigfoot suit. He said they used to pick a stretch of Hwy 211 around Colton in the late 80's to early 90's to don the suit and cross the road at dark in front of cars. He said the suit was an obvious fake up close but from 100 yards away looked like the real thing. He told me they quit doing it when it hit the local papers and farmers started talking about chickens disappearing. They got worried people were going to start taking shots at them. I just thought you'd like to know so if you get any reports from the Colton area during this timeframe, they should probably be viewed with some skepticism.

Take care and keep up the good work. There IS something out there.

A friend I had our own experience on the Grand Mesa (Lands End side). Paonia is not to far away from this area. We heard a scream that would go on for ever. Loud and very angry sounding. Never saw anything, we just heard it. Strangely, I know of another person (never telling him or anybody my story before) who was hunting above Paonia. When he was telling me a story of what he had heard on his hunting trip, I got goose bumps. He described the same sound. Other hunters thought he was joking until that night they heard it as well. I would like to be able to share more and possibly join you on your search for hard evidence. I know what I heard and it was know mountain lion or bear.


by Richard Van Dyke

(originally published at the Spirit Quest website)

There are several forms of night vision technology that are in use today.

Infrared, being the most well known and commonly used by researchers and hunters, works with the assistance of a small, bright red light that is usually invisible to the human eye. Some of the older models even have a small red LED light to assist in seeing.

Starlight gains it’s name from it’s primary lighting source, star light. It magnifies the outside light source up to 1500 times, depending on the system you use.

Both work in the same manor, allowing the person using it to see objects in the absence of artificial light.

When you are using any night vision scope/binoculars, you are, in essence, using a miniature television.

Now, for the good stuff…

Any form of night vision uses an image intensifier tube with phosphors. This gives it the green tint you see. The image intensifier tube consists of two main parts, a photocathode, which converts light images into electron images and a microchannel plate. This handy little microchannel plate converts the electron images (which, by the way, can be multiplied) back into light images.

The difference between Generation 1 and Generation 2 / 3 is that Generation 1 uses simple grid shaped electrodes to accelerate the electrons. Generation 2/3 use the newer and more complex microchannel plates. These microchannel plates have the ability to accelerate and multiply the electrons from the photocathode. This causes the phosphors to put off a brighter glow in response to any light it reflects.

I’m kind of partial to my old Soviet military surplus starlight binoculars. BUT…if you are ever interested, and want some REAL good night vision, contact Sierra Pacific Innovations. They handle all forms of night vision equipment. They have military, police, fire, and forestry equipment. Scopes, binoculars, and monoculars.

Chad and I have experimented with night vision on several occasions, and found that deer, coyotes, hogs, and other woodland creatures can easily see the red LED light when it is in use. The infrared, we have found, can be seen by them also. There are those who will argue this point with me but, I can only address this issue from my own personal experience.
This leads me to believe that our large friends can see the infrared light also. If this is true, it means that they would be color blind, much like a dog. Their red and greens are varying shades of gray and black. I might also be wrong about this, but, it is a theory that we can only prove at a later date.

[Editor's note: The opinions expressed in reader-submitted articles are the reader's own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Oregonbigfoot.com researchers]

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Bigfoot videos on YouTube

Yep, there's a lot of them. Some are hilarious. Some interesting. Some downright pathetic.
Take a look, if you're bored and looking for a Bigfoot-related waste of time... :)

(Language warning: Some of the morons who post comments on these videos
seem to have nothing but four-letter words in their vocabularies)

Prince Edward Island Video
The Penn and Teller Hoax Video
Bigfoot Paul Freeman 1992
Patterson/Gimlin Film

Mark Sparks: Bigfoot caught on tape (spoof)
This one gets an 'E' for effort... ????
Retro hilarity: Bigfoot and Wild Boy
Mythbusters spoof: Bigfoot
If nothing else, this "Bigfoot hunter" deserves props for his, erm, enthusiasm...
Looks suspiciously like the Tom Biscardi/Ivan Marx suit with the ridiculous ears
Not much of a hoax
Scare Tactics Bigfoot episode - Red sweatshirt girl is hilarious
Blair Bigfoot?

As you can plainly see, YouTube is the latest and greatest platform for hoaxers.
Trouble is, all it does is reaffirm the fact that hoaxing a bigfoot video, and making
it look and feel "authentic" is a monumental task. Most do not even
remotely succeed...

Remember the hilarious book: In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot,
a cheeky look at the trials and tribulations the infamous
Sasquatch faces in modern society?

The follow-up, called Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir, is available today!!!!