December 2005

Issue: Dec Year: 2005
Editor: Autumn Williams
© 2005 Oregonbigfoot.com
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>> READER SUBMISSION : Geographic Characteristics of Sasquatch Sightings In the United States
by Martin Sivula, Ph.D.
>> READER SUBMISSION : Interview article from Rita Swanson, Hoopa People Newspaper


For Your Collection:

Meet the Sasquatch
Chris Murphy, with the help of John Green and Thomas Steenburg, as well as many others, may have produced the best Sasquatch/Bigfoot book since Green's "Sasquatch: the Apes Among Us" in 1978.

This book is deceptively thin, but holds within over 640 pictures, some of which have never been published before.

Walking With the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas

In this study of three great female primatologists, science journalist Montgomery moves beyond biography into ethnology, taking a step that goes well beyond even her subjects' research. Goodall, Fossey and Galdikas each made a similar leap, the author contends, moving from observers and recorders to an almost shamanistic quest to enter the world of the apes they studied.

>> Editor's Note:

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. It's a new year and although I've got a lot on my plate here in the beginning of the year, I'm hoping to wade through it, tie up some loose ends and launch some exciting new projects this year.

December brought a visit from a Bay Area friend and researcher. We had a great time and took a fabulous 2 mile night hike deep in the foothills of the Cascades. Bundled up in unintentionally matching rainsuits <grin>, we took off up Fairview Creek trail in Lane County. The rain had stopped for the duration of the hike, the temperature was tolerable and the woods were DARK. Although we didn't encounter our large barefoot friends, there were a couple of eerie spots on the trail where the forest seemed to hold its breath... and we did the same.

Autumn Williams

Night hiking in Bigfoot's backyard is a perfect way to make yourself available for an encounter... just remember to take your bear spray, spare batteries for your flashlight, and enough courage to find yourself a mile or two back in the woods in the pitch dark. A carefully marked trail and/or a GPS unit doesn't hurt, either. <grin>


Autumn Williams
Your comments are always welcome.

The legend lives.


20 new reports have been added to the database on January 4th.


We are accepting submissions for new artists in the Bigfoot art gallery. To submit your work for consideration, please email 3-5 pieces of Bigfoot-related artwork (maximum size 640X480 pixels), a photo of yourself and a brief biography. Email me.

(Please have a look at the gallery before submitting for examples of biography)


In the members' section - Footage of what may be a Texas bigfoot from investigator Lugo Raimondo

Plus, new audio files from my radio interview with John Stokes and a new section of historical references to our barefoot friends

AND historical news clippings dating back to the early 1800's

See a list of what's currently available in the Members Section - This is the LARGEST selection of never-before-published Bigfoot sound and video available on the net!

Subscription to the Oregonbigfoot.com Members Only section is $4.95 per month. Your monthly subscription fee helps support Oregonbigfoot.com!


'Bigfoot' fever grips Malaysian rainforest
(thanks to Derek for this one!)

Mysterious carnivore discovered in Borneo’s forests

WWF researchers may have discovered a new, mysterious carnivore species in the dense, central forests of Borneo.

Scientists expect DNA test results this week
... from a tuft of hair that residents of Teslin, Yukon Territory, Canada, say came from a sasquatch, or Bigfoot.

Bigfoot Sighted In Johor?
Does Bigfoot exist in the jungles of Johor?

Scientists keen to find more footprints
Scientists are hopeful of finding more ancient human footprints like the remarkably preserved 23,000-year-old ones uncovered in western NSW.

New Bigfoot movie promises to be just that! *grin*



Back in the beginning of October my best friend and I went hiking in an area in central Pennsylvania.

I was on one side of the creek and she was on the other side. I was walking on a fishermen's path when I noticed a pine tree about 8" in diameter broken off about 2 feet above my head. I'm 5'4". The limbs were then ripped off the tree and looked like they were used for bedding. The other weird thing was about 50 yards from this area in the middle of the creek on the flat rock was 5 or 6 stone piles. The piles were made to look like pyramids. I didn't hear, see, or smell anything, but this place made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I didn't say anything to my friend because she is easily scared and I figured I was scared enough for the both of us. Could this have been caused by a bigfoot? There were no claw marks on the tree or the branches like a bear would leave. I've been in the woods for nearly 26 years and have never seen anything like this. If I wouldn't have been such a chicken I would have looked around a little more.. Thanks B.B.


Hi B.B. - It's difficult to say whether the strange things you noticed could be attributed to a Sasquatch or not. Are there reports of Bigfoot stacking rocks into piles? Yes. Notably, the Glenn Thomas report (October 1967, Estacada, Oregon: Glenn Thomas watches two adult creatures and a juvenile turning over large boulders, stacking them, and eating rodents found beneath them.) There are many other reports indicating similar circumstances. These creatures are also reported to break trees, though there is some disagreement regarding what constitutes a "bigfoot break" as opposed to weather damage on a tree. Beds or "nests" are commonly reported as well. What you have there are three pieces of circumstantial evidence. One or more of these things may have been caused by a Sasquatch... or they may not. You're in an area where there have been sightings, so it's not out of the question.

I would recommend that if you find a bedding area in the future, check the area carefully for hairs. If you are able to collect a hair sample, contact me and I'll help you get it analyzed.

Have a question you'd like answered? Email it here - those questions which may be of interest to our readers will be answered in upcoming editions of the Oregonbigfoot.com newsletter



National Geographic embarrasses Bigfoot sighter
By Rita Swanson, Hoopa People Newspaper

"I felt so embarrassed," said Katherine Markofer of Sacramento, who had a Bigfoot sighting on Ironside Mountain, which is between Willow Creek and Weaverville in Northern California, in August 2004. Markofer was featured in the National Geographic (NG) Channel's documentary "Behind the Mysteries: Bigfoot," which premiered January 31, 2005.

Markofer was one of several people who came to speak to filmmaker Noel Dockstader in September 2004 at Trinity River Farm in Willow Creek. Bigfoot enthusiast Al Hodgson organized the meeting, encouraging those who had sightings to speak on camera for Dockstader and the reputable organization. Hodgson was reassured the documentary would not portray those people in a negative way and is protective of "sighters" who come to him with their experiences.

Even though at first glance it appears NG tried to show both sides of the story, most believers on record came away from it feeling betrayed.

"I haven't seen the NG documentary, and don't much want to," wrote Bigfoot researcher John Green in an email. "I knew from considerable exchange with Noel Dockstader that there was no hope of it being fair and balanced, and from what I have read about it and seen quoted from it, that has been more than confirmed. To provide 'balance' by providing equal time to people with little knowledge of the subject solely to have someone contradict those who have done exhaustive research--that's not balance."
The documentary starts out with scenes from Willow Creek's own Bigfoot Days Parade, featuring locals commenting on whether they believe in the elusive creature. Only one person said she didn't believe. Considering that the town is probably split in half on who believes and who doesn't, that portrayal doesn't seem balanced.

After the parade shots, the film shows a short clip of retired California Highway Patrol Officer Richard Kehl, who had a split-second sighting on Waterman Ridge. Kehl hadn't returned calls by press time.
Markofer was next. Her experience had been the most recent and she was still visibly shaken. While describing what she saw, her eyes seemed to be popping out of her head as she held her arms out to demonstrate the size of the creature's shoulders.

"I saw Bigfoot, and they made it seem like everybody lied," she said in a telephone interview. "They used our stories to get their point across that there wasn't one. I know there are hoaxes, but even now (five months later), it's so real to me. No one is going to change my mind. I know what I saw."
The re-enactment of her experience in the documentary portrays she and her sister being chased while trying to drive away.

"I never said he chased me," Markofer said
Furthermore, Markofer wondered why the producers didn't use the footage of the Native Americans at the filming who told of their experiences.

"Why weren't the Indians in it? Were they afraid they wouldn't want to share with them anymore?" she said.

Dermal ridges

One part of the film included the issue of dermal ridges found on the footprints of more than one cast.
Investigator Jimmy Chilcutt of the Conroe Police Department in Texas, who specializes in finger and footprints, has analyzed more than 150 casts of Bigfoot prints that Jeff Meldrum, an Idaho State professor who has done extensive study on the phenomenon, keeps in a laboratory. Chilcutt says one footprint found in 1987 in Walla Walla, Wash., has convinced him that Bigfoot is real.
Chilcutt said the ridge flow pattern and the texture was completely different from anything he had ever seen.

"It certainly wasn't human, and of no known primate that I've examined," he said.
Furthermore, the print ridges flow lengthwise along the foot, unlike human prints, which flow across. The texture of the ridges was about twice the thickness of a human, which indicate the animal has rather thick skin.

Estebian Sarmiento is a primatologist from the American Museum of Natural History and was featured on the NG film, making molds of the dermal ridges. John Green said Sarmiento is actually quite sympathetic and helpful to enthusiasts, which is obvious in the documentary aired on the Discovery Channel entitled "Legend Meets Science."

"But he doesn't have much knowledge of what has gone on over the years," Green wrote in the email. "On the segment they showed I guess he thought he was introducing something new, when actually that technique has been known and kept in mind in this investigation for a very long time. Too bad Chilcutt or Meldrum were not asked to comment on that, but I guess the show was structured the other way around."

At the Bigfoot Symposium held in Willow Creek in 2002, Chilcutt said he didn't think many people would even know to fake the ridges, much less how.

The Patterson film

Another bone of contention is the notorious Patterson Film and a man named Bob Heironimus, who claims to have worn a monkey suit given to him by Roger Patterson.

After the incident filmed at Bluff Creek in '67, investigators went to the scene and measured the tracks left behind. The track measurements were later compared to the figure's feet visible in the footage. This allowed for various other measurements and calculations of body mass and weight of the figure. Those calculations consistently add up to over 1,000 pounds.

The Patterson footage has been studied for 35 years and has always held up to scrutiny. There's the bulge in the thigh, the leg movements and speed of the being, the exact way in which it moves its neck, and its unusual method of distributing its weight as it strides, which have all led many to conclude this could not be a man in a suit. Furthermore, its feet undergo flexion like a real foot, which eliminates the possibility of a man-made solid foot piece.

Patterson's friend, Bob Gimlin, who didn't make a nickel on the film and whose family has gone through years of ridicule, maintains it is genuine.

"To devote a substantial portion of the program, or any of it for that matter, to the latest people with transparently false claims of fakery is more than unbalanced, it is deliberate deception," Green said. "I blame Dockstader only partially, since it is clear that he did not have the final editing authority. He told me that he had been surprised by the depth of the subject, and that he would not be able to deal with it as he now realized it deserved. Obviously, the main thrust for NG was to exploit the public interest in the subject while still making sure that no one thought they took it seriously."

Loren Coleman is a retired professor who taught a course on documentary film analysis from 1989-2004 at the University of Southern Maine. Coleman reviewed the film.

"What an uneven disaster," Coleman wrote on an online forum. "Within the first ten minutes, such words and phrases as 'imagination' and 'imaginative people' are sprinkled throughout the narrator's running reminder that there may be nothing to Bigfoot. Every time a piece of evidence is presented, it is, within the design of the program, countered with a skeptical point of view.

"If you are a skeptic, you would be happy about this special. If you are someone in it, and pro-Bigfoot, I would think you might feel you were tricked."

2/13/05 -end-

Rita Swanson (formerly Molhoek) writes for the Hoopa People Newspaper. Hoopa is just north of Willow Creek and just south of Bluff Creek (the site of the 1967 Patterson/Gimlin film). She holds a journalism degree from Humboldt State University. The preceding article was originally published in the Hoopa People Newspaper, February 13, 2005 and is reprinted here with the author's express written consent.

An interesting email received 12/19/2005:

Dear Miss Williams,

I am writing this rather than reporting it in case you have an explanation that I do not have for what we heard. I do not wish to submit a BF report in case there is a rational answer for what we heard. I'd rather avoid a false report than have a report later discredited.

It was late fall 1978 when I and 7 other men where bivouacked in very northern central Washington state, Late in the evening but before midnight PST I believe, I was awaken by one of our sentries. I was the senior man on the team hence I was the one he awoken. He told me he heard a strange sound, I then proceeded to castigate him for awakening me just because he was scared. I told him it was probably a panther or something like that. Another sentry told me he heard it also and it was nothing he had ever heard. This man is a full blooded Cajun Indian from deep in the swamps of Louisiana. David did not scare, and he said that what he heard made his skin crawl. While I was ready to laugh at them, I heard a very deep growl from the surrounding woods. The growl alone did not frighten me, what it did next made my fight or flight response kick in full force. This deep deep growl slid up the scale to an incredible shriek/screech. All without a break in the slide as it ascended the scale. I have never heard anything like it since, or before . Only way I can describe it is to take the deepest bass rumble and smoothly shift the frequency up to a high fingernail on a black board pitch, all without a vocal break. When a person attempts to sing from the lowest end of their range to the highest end of their vocal range, you will hear a break when they go into falsetto voice. That night, what we heard never broke.
We proceeded to lock and load our weapons, put everyone on full alert and a full defensive perimeter. We heard it twice more that night, yet were unable to get a good directional fix on it. The moon was close to full and the light was okay. Most of it was filtered by the branches of the trees of which any deciduous ones were denuded of leaves.

Hopefully you will have a rational explanation for what we heard that night. I have only told my wife and children about that night, after the response I received when I asked my CO about it. If you feel it necessary to contact me my phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. Feel free to call me if you deem it appropriate. Thank you.


Name witheld by request

Geographic Characteristics of Sasquatch Sightings In the United States
by Martin Sivula, Ph.D.
A note from Dr. Sivula:

Dear Autumn:

As I told you I corresponded with Fahrenbach and Meldrum via email for a few years. It was their more scientific approach to the problem that sparked my interest. On that note I forgot to tell you, Henner and I thought a "predictability model" was reasonable. From a statistical standpoint given maybe 5 or 6 variables with "hard" data with might be able to predict the odds (odds-ratio) of a sighting. Of course I know that qualitatively, field researchers go with incidence/sightings actually occur by observation. But using a mixed-method design with the qualitative field observations, you might (with today's technologies) pin point location(s)/conditions with the greatest probability of success.

I have my own ideas why recent media recorded endeavors fail. However, they do a good thing in that they bring interest from a wide variety of persons and professions (and possible funding).

Happy New Year,

Marty Sivula

Dr. Sivula has served as a graduate research methods professor and specializes in secondary analysis of data, ex-post-facto research, and evaluation studies. Early in his career he was a research team member for human performance and physiological testing. He has been avid outdoorsman for over forty years and is intrigued with the present scientific interest in Bigfoot. His current scientific interest in showing falsification of phenomena before ruling it out, by examining many possible or conceivable observations, while encouraging all types of kind of speculative theories. The current Bigfoot-Giganto hypothesis is among these.


The purpose of this study was to examine selected geographical and environmental characteristics of regional “Bigfoot” incidence and sightings reports across the United States (lower 48). Secondary analysis of U.S. Census data matched against regional and state data of several hundred incidences and sighting reports (BFRO, 2005) were used for the selection of geographical and environmental characteristics. Results seem to suggest that relationships might exist between incidence/sightings and the following state characteristics: rural land in thousands of acres (r =.31*), number of farms in thousands of acres (r =.65**), farm acreage in millions (r =.31*), freshwater withdrawals of millions of gallons per day (r =.68**) and toxic chemicals in millions of pound released (r =.54**). The eleven "western states" have the highest incidence/sighting reports (M= 93), and also possessed the highest mean elevation (M = 4, 654 feet) and highest elevations M=13,300 feet) and lowest population per square mile at M= 49.2. With any ex-post-facto, secondary analysis of correlational data, there is always the possibility of the third variable problem (or spuriousness), where the presence of third variable explains the relationship of the other two. On the other hand, the large correlations of freshwater withdrawals (r = .68) and toxic chemicals in millions of pounds released per day (r = .68) are consistent with environmental conditions in many of the incidence/sightings reports (e.g. “foul smell in swampy areas”).

Click here to view the report in its entirety

Fun Footnotes...
Remember the hilarious book: In Me Own Words: The Autobiography of Bigfoot, a cheeky look at the trials and tribulations the infamous Sasquatch faces in modern society?

The follow-up, called Me Write Book: It Bigfoot Memoir, is available today!!!!