Two women heard vocalization in California redwoods file# 04869


Date: December 29, 2009
Del Norte county, CA
Nearest town:
Crescent City
Nearest road:

early afternoon
It was in the Jedediah Smith Redwoods, on the boy scout trail a few yards before the right hand turn to the Boy Scout Tree.


Description of event: My friend and I were hiking down the Boy Scout Trail in the light rain in silence, listening to the rain and the quiet stillness. A little over two miles in we began to joke about bigfoot, which is interesting because we are from MN and have never hiked in these forests before. A few minutes later we began to hear a low call..we looked at eachother and stopped to listen. We walked slowly and kept listening. It didn't sound like anything either of us had ever heard before. It moved as well, like more than one were calling to each other. It got louder and louder as we got closer and closer to the Boy Scout tree, it was the loudest at the redwood bridge crossing right before the Boy Scout Tree. We kept stopping to listen, kept throwing out animals it could possibly be. We wondered if it were an Elk or a cougar, after listening to audio files of Redwood animals upon returning home we realized it was neither. The vocal sounds continued in intensity and started warbling in a way that I can only compare to what Chewbacca sounds like in Star Wars. As we made our way to the Boy Scout Tree we sat and ate lunch and the sounds continued. They continued from the same spot on our way out. We ran in to some more hikers going in and told them what we heard. They said they had heard a far off bugling like noise as well. When we got home I checked animal audio files, on a link I googled "bigfoot audio" and found your website. I listened to the second audio file on your page first. That is exactly what we heard only what we heard was louder and longer in intensity. I'm convinced.

record updated:2009-12-29 22:41:48