Date: February 17, 2002
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Molalla
Nearest road: Molalla River Rd
Conditions: Overcast, snow on ground
Time: Afternoon
Location: Molalla River Rd. to Poopanelly Creek
Description of event: Molallla River Track Find
Sunday, February 17, 2002
Bob and I went up to Molalla this weekend to check up on the following report submitted via our report form:
Date: February 5, 2002
Location: Top of Goat Mt., Clackamas County, OR
Some friends and i had a fire up at goat mountain for the night and we heard noises coming from all around us like something walking through the bushes. Whenever we would shine a flashlight in the forest, we wouldnt see anything and the noises would stop for a while. Then all of a sudden a tree was pushed over on to our fire, putting the fire out and when we shined the flashlight in the direction of the tree a large black furry creature was walking quickly away breaking branches off trees.
Witness name and email withheld by request
On Sunday, February 17, 2002 we attempted to reach Goat Mountain via Hwy. 45. The roads up near the mountain were too snowy for our AWD Safari van. I was interested in seeing the area because I knew that Frank Kaneaster had found a track below the microwave tower on top of that mountain in the late 1990's. Disappointed, we decided to do some more searching down in the Molalla River Basin.
We drove to the Molalla site. I got out and had a look around; nothing but dog prints in the mud. The snow had melted at this elevation by now; it was really snowy last time we were up there. I wanted to continue on, try to drive down Copper Creek and find the gravel pit mentioned in an old TR report (the one where the witnesses saw lights in the trees ( We made it as far as Poopanelly Creek, then the snow got too thick again. We parked at the bridge and started to hike up the road. There were a few dog and people prints in the snow here and there, but what caught my eye were four large tracks that were really far apart. I stood beside the tracks, to match the stride (see photos in journal entry). We took several photos.
The tracks measured 6"X16" with a stride (between opposite feet) of 32", and a stride from right toe to right heel of 8'. There were only four tracks - the rest had presumably been destroyed by tire marks. I estimate about an inch of snowmelt distortion in the tracks; there were no apparent toe prints, but the sheer size, width and stride met our criteria for documentation. In the second photo I'm holding out my hands to demonstrate length of the impression; however, exact measurements were made.
record updated:2002-07-08 00:00:00