Date: July 7, 1996
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Molalla
Nearest road: Molalla River Rd
Location: Pine Creek bridge
Description of event: Charles Baker and his friend Glen were out to the campground on the Molalla on 7/7 and found a torn apart gunny-sack that had been hung off the ground. There were potatoes lying on the ground. This is where we suspect a local had been baiting Bigfoot. They had been in the area in March, though on the North Fork of the Molalla River, and heard a scream around 8-9 PM, and ran across a strong smell.. Later about 10 PM they heard another scream in the distance, and a couple of "thuds" that he couldn't describe further, in the distance, about 2 AM the dog went nuts at their camp on a gravel ridge.. More Bigfoot activity? Don't know, had Steve Williams contact for more information (see misc.). (report) Investigator Steve Williams was asked to look into some recent reports from the lower Molalla River area, and has turned in this report Regarding the Cole incident of TR #58 page 6. He crossed the Pine Creek Bridge on 7/18 and drove about 2-3 miles to the gate. Some two miles later he ran across a sour smell that about knocked him over, but saw nothing. Continuing two more miles to a three-way intersection, he returned to the area of the smell to investigate further. Hiking in the direction of the smell, about 50 yards from the road, he encountered the largest black bear he had ever seen in size similar to a zoo grizzly. He was with in 10-12 feet of the creature, which was tearing a stump apart. They stared at each other momentarily, and camera unheeded, Steve backed up several steps, and did what you weren't supposed to do..."ran like hell!" He said that if the bear had stood up, it would've been seven feet tall. Steve said the bear shook its head a few times, back and forth like a dog, then turned and went in the opposite direction. Continuing his investigation of a report from Charles Baker, 7/7 (in this report), Steve traveled about two miles up Copper Creek, and found the campsite referred to earlier about an 1/8th of the mile in the woods past a rock quarry. he was of the opinion that a camper had hung the potatoes to keep them from critters, but had not hung them high enough, and animals had got them anyway. Hearing noises, he waited and met two fellows from the BLM with recording gear and such that were looking for evidence of owls...there had been reports of screeching at night around there (owls or Bigfoot?).
Source: The Track Record #59
record updated:2002-07-09 00:00:00