Date: , 1984
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Colton
Nearest road:
Time: afternoon
Description of event: Frank K., 12/21/94. Ten years ago on my parents property near Colton, OR, when I came home after school on a Friday, I changed clothes, putting on my logger gear and went to work in the woods about 3:30 PM. I had my work load cut out, it was to fall timber until dark. I was finishing up on this old skid trail falling snags when my saw ran out of gas. I refueled and sharpened the chain when I heard light thumping noises coming my way. I watched, thinking my brothers were coming, when all of a sudden a lone doe (deer) ran past me. She just missed hitting me, and I thought that was strange. I looked back, could not see the doe at all. Then I heard a commotion from where the doe came from, and all of a sudden a pure black 7 foot, 500# ape stopped in his tracks. When he saw me and ducked in the brush trying to go around. I packed my gear and ran home as fast as my feet could run.
Source: The Track Record #43
record updated:2002-06-11 00:00:00