Date: , 1982 -ish
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Colton
Nearest road:
Time: dusk
Description of event: (Name withheld at request) lived out near Colton, Oregon, on a farm/ranch, about 5 miles out of town. It was in the Fall, about 10 years ago. The doberman was making some racket just about dark and she and her son went out to see what it was. As the 'raunchy smell' hit her, she noticed on top of the hill behind the house a Bigfoot...iust standing there, not more than 75 yards away. Not particularly scared as the thing was up the hill, her first reaction was to shout at the thing, and it went lumbering away, awkward 'like his knees never straightened ,' but he still took large strides. The dobie dog headed for the house with its little dobie tail trying to get between his legs. He was a big stocky male she said, 500# and maybe 7 feet tall. All he did was just stand there looking at us, the only noise maybe a 'grunting' sound. A few days later at her mother-in-law's place on the edge of Colton, there were Bigfoot tracks in the new snow across the creek from their trailer home. They were of three individuals, a larger, a medium, and a small set. Measurements weren't taken.
Source: The Track Record #10
record updated:2002-07-09 00:00:00