Date: June 15, 2002
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Estacada
Nearest road: Hwy 224
Conditions: Snow on ground
Time: afternoon
Location: Hwy 224, at the North Fork Reservoir, road 4610, apporox one mile before the lake.
Description of event: Me,my husband, and our friend were walking up to squaw lake to go fishing, because the road was still snowed in, we decided to hike. We were about a half mile from the lake when I notice a footprint on the shady side of the road. I called Jaik over and asked him who would be walking up here in their bare feet, and he said nobody. And I asked him to come over to verify what I was seeing.The foot print was well preserved in the snow, it appeared to have been a week old print. The other prints wern't as well preserved and had melted in the snow,but still you were able to distinguish the tracks, but it was exciting none-the-less. Unfortunately no pictures were taken.
record updated:2002-08-10 00:00:00