Date: , 1998 (late 1990's)
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Estacada
Nearest road:
Time: dusk
Location: Mt. Hood National Forest SE of Estacada
Description of event: : My nephew, an electrician in Portland, heard this on the job. Two electricians who'd gone on annual fall hunting trips with a group of fellow electricians for several years, bowed out of one years trip at the last minute and were reluctant to say why. This after they'd taken time off to hunt and bought tags. A year later they again declined to go on the annual hunting trip. One evening after work, one of them was drinking in a tavern when he was pressed as to why he and the other fellow no longer wanted to hunt with their buddies. Reluctantly he told of the following encounter:
These two fellows had gone up in the area to be hunted to do a little pre-trip scouting. After spending the afternoon cruising logging roads they pulled over on a ridge to watch the sun set, smoke and talk. They'd been there awhile, sitting in the truck, smoking. It had gotten dark when they heard footsteps thru the forrest passing down one side of the truck, then crunching gravel as it circled out of the woods in front of the truck and stopped. They turned on the headlights to see a giant ape crouched down some distance in front of the truck facing them. It stood up and in a panic they started the truck, threw in in reverse, spun it around and very nearly backed over the embankment. The rear tires actually went over and they had to slam it into 4WD to pull it out. They fled...On the job the next day the other fellow, confronted with the story, confirmed it but wouldn't discuss it.
ACTIVITIES OF WITNESSES: Doing Pre-trip Scouting for hunting party.
Source: GCBRO
record updated:2002-09-16 00:00:00