Date: august
Lane county, OR
Nearest town: Oakridge
Nearest road: 25 miles about hills creek reservoir
Conditions: very hot, mid 80's
Time: evening
Location: from oakridge, take the hills creek road all the way up, past packard creek, then 20 miles above packard, make right over small bridge, forrest roads
Description of event: thought i would share my story:
myself and bunch of buddyes went camping for 4 days up near steamboat, but below, about 35 miles away from oakridge. we camp at this spot up in the middle of nowhere, its a nice stop, close to the river and open for our campers. we camp with dogs... well, everything was nice and cool, until myself and a friend took are quads down river on some trails, park, then started catching some nice native's, and u know once u start fishing u always want to move down stream, so i did that. came up to kind of log jam, where huge logs and sticks were in the stream at once time, but left a sand bar, with a little creek. as i was preparing to jump down over the creek onto the sand i noticed a track, and it was bigger than mine i am 6 ' 8'' with a size 15 shoe, this was about 19 inches. i messured it, i was like wtf, and scared at the same time, this wasn't normal, there were 5 tracks about 3ft apart, then my hair on my head stared to raise
it gets worse... i walked back up the hill to the trails to tell my friend and right as i get on the trail i hear THUG THUG THUG, kinda like when u stomp on the ground. i started walking faster, never looked back, and we don't camp that far up in the wild anymore, we go to like hills creek camp i felt i was in his area, and he wanted me to leave by the thugs noises, i was soo scared ,this kinda stuff never happens to people, only in books and movies.
record updated:2005-03-01 00:00:00