Lane county, OR
Nearest town: Springfield
Nearest road: Weyhauser Pvt. Road
Conditions: clear sunny
Time: dusk
Location: Water tower hill and grassy hill area.
Description of event: I was out hunting one day with one of my friends. It was about 5:00 p.m and got dark at 8:00. There were two boulders right next to us and we sat our guns there. Right after we put the guns down and seen somthing standing on the top of this hill we were looking towards. The hill was about 2/3 of a mile long (1,000 yds.) The huge man like figure started moving very fast towards us and its hands were hanging down to its knees cuped backwards. As it was coming towards us it was swinging its arms and stoped at the bottom of the hill. Then it looked left then right then left as it did that i picked up my gun and looked through the scope at it, it was standing tall then it ran back up the hill really really fast, faster then a normal man could.
record updated:2011-02-12 22:48:57