Date: May
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Molalla
Nearest road: Hillockburn Forest Road
Conditions: Clear
Time: night
Location: As Hillockburn Forest Road crosses headwater of Little Clackamas River, after passing Helens Lake.
Description of event: Footprints were found in the snow, above the rocky outcrop, going uphill, away from Hillockburn Road-- below South Mountain. Footprints had clear toe marks and were about 20 inches in length. Footprints were about 3 feet apart. Clearly not snowshoe tracks. There are no trails in the area and no reason for a person to be hiking during snow season in this area-- inaccessible due to deep snow. Sounds-- during a Boy Scout campout a year earlier in the same location and about same time of year-- a sound like someone beating a log against trees approached the camp area, scaring all of the youth and adults. When adults when out search with lights the sounds ceased and there was the sound of something large running off. It may have been an elk but there were no tracks or scat showing recent elk activity.
record updated:2012-02-07 16:35:03