Date: November 11, 2012
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Rhododendron
Nearest road: Highway #26
Conditions: Fair
Time: dawn
Location: I would like to keep exact location confidential because it was near my friends home.
Description of event: Me and my buddy was out camping in the woods and we woke up early to do a little fishin. When we got out of the tent in the morning we heard a hootin and a hollerin out in the woods. We thought it was some kids making a ruckus so we did not take to much notice of it. We start yelling back into the woods, just to have a little fun with what we thought was kids. Then all of a sudden a rock come flying out of the forest, nearly bonked me in the head. We were both getting mad at this point so I yell into the woods telling the kids to go away. Then we both saw a what I know was a real bigfoot standing next to tree, just looking at us. After we made eye contact he ran off. We were both spooked by this so bad niether of us have ever gone back to that camp ground.
record updated:2013-04-12 10:06:34