Date: April 18, 2015
Clackamas county, OR
Nearest town: Molalla
Nearest road: 1st St And Sawtell Rd
Conditions: Clear and sunny
Time: late afternoon
Location: We were in the Molalla corridor. approx. 10 miles in. We took a gravel rd to the right of the paved rd. We were steadily climbing the mountain as we drove up 1st towards Sawtell rd. as soon as the thick trees cleared, we stopped to take a few pictures of the view. On our left side of the rd we hear a wood pecker in the distance. Right after the woodpecker sound, we heard a quiet whooping sound from about 40 ft away. It sounded like an ape. My husband and I instantly got chills and felt fearful for our safety as we did not have anything with us to protect us as well as no cell service. We will be able to return to that very spot and investigate more. Very exciting if we had been better prepared.
Description of event: We heard an ape like whooping sound. It was soft sound but it seemed like it was coming from very close. aprox. 40 ft up an embankment. There is flat rock stacked up just past a few trees on the left side of 1st st as you head towards Sawtell rd. The sound was coming from the rock formation that looked like there was a cave like structure formed from fallen tress and large flat rocks.
record updated:2015-04-18 22:27:28