By joining the Oregonbigfoot.com Members Section and Members Media Archives, you understand and agree to the following:
- I agree to pay the monthly membership fee via PayPal for access to the members section, or to arrange to pay my yearly subscription fee via snail mail.
- I understand that I may cancel my membership at any time.
- I understand that it is up to me to manage my membership from within my PayPal account and that my website access will be immediately suspended upon cancellation of my PayPal subscription. (If you want to take advantage of your full final month's membership, please wait to cancel until the day before your subscription is scheduled to rebill. You can find this information by clicking on the "history" tab within your PayPal account.)
- I understand that membership is not subject to refund for any reason.
- I agree NOT to share my username and/or password with anyone else or allow anyone access to my account without my presence.
- I understand that my IP address is logged when I sign in and that multiple IP addresses logged in conjuction with my username/password will result in investigation and possible termination of my account without refund.
- In order to protect those who share material candidly within the members section and on the members forum, I understand that no content from the Oregonbigfoot.com members section or Oregonbigfoot.com members forum may be distributed, shared, posted or published in any format. This includes, but is not limited to, publishing, emailing or sharing images, text, video and audio files or other information owned by Oregonbigfoot.com or by others who have given Oregonbigfoot.com permission to share their copyrighted material. I understand that I may not discuss what is found within the OregonBigfoot.com members section with non-members. If I am found to be in violation of these terms, my account may be suspended or cancelled without warning and no refunds will be forthcoming. I understand that Oregonbigfoot.com maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding copyright infringement and that membership account suspension and legal action may follow.
- I understand that Oregonbigfoot.com reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
- I understand that Oregonbigfoot.com does not necessarily endorse the validity of any text, video, audio recording or image posted to this website, and that it is up to me to form my own conclusions regarding the veracity of claims made.
- I agree to abide by all stated policies regarding conduct on members message boards, and that participation on the members forum is voluntary. However, if I cannot conduct myself appropriately on the forum, I understand that my forum membership may be revoked at any time by forum moderators.
- I will hold Oregonbigfoot.com harmless from any claims arising from my use of this website.
- I understand that these Terms of Membership may be updated from time to time.
- I understand that by agreeing to these terms, I am signing a legally binding contract to abide by them.